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The summer of 2016, we spent exploring some dry, dusty deserts. Some locations were very familiar, and some were new (to us), but both brought lots of excitement and left us with wonderful memories.

First up was a quick weekend in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.  We looked up one of Cece’s old friends, and he took us off-roading in his Jeep, out into the Mojave Desert just South of the city.  I’ve spent many a Summer in Vegas with my family, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone this deep into the desert before!  It was a pretty great experience – a few times it felt like we were going to tip over!  Cece only got out to walk a few times…

We ended up atop this mountain where a plane had crashed decades before.  They cleaned up most of the wreckage, but the area (used to be) so remote, that they ended up burying a lot of stuff right there because it would have been too difficult to transport it all back to the City.  We stumbled upon a few metal chair frames, but for the most part there wasn’t much evidence left of that tragic night.

Shortly after we got home from Nevada, we met up with a large group of our friends from all over North America at Dinosaur Provincial Park, right here in the Southern part of Alberta.  Even though I grew up in Alberta, and did my fair share of camping, I’d never visited this (pretty spectacular) corner of our Province before.

It was amazing to get together with all of our oldest friends and their families for this weekend mini-reunion.  Our lives may have taken us all over the continent, and most of us are married with kids or equally busy with our careers, but the friendships we made way back in elementary school are still just as strong as ever.

Below are some of my favourite photos from these trips.  If you’d like to see even more, please feel free to head over to

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