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A quick work trip to Vancouver, BC – and this time I was prepared, not only with my trusty camera, but also with the lessons learned from my (failed) Waikiki Beach session…

I set aside a full evening to properly camp out for this ‘Strangers’ shoot.  I even took the previous night to go out scouting, to try and identify 2-3 potential spots to setup.  I found a few that were sort of off the beaten path, however not too far away that the sidewalk would be empty, or that I’d stick out too much and scare people to the opposite side.

The weather was great, the light was great…I started my 30 minute clock, and went to work.

I’m not sure if it’s just because I was in Canada (and these are my people) but for whatever reason this shoot was a breeze!  Nearly everyone I stopped and asked said yes – and after chatting briefly with them while shooting, nearly all of them seemed genuinely interested in my little experiment.

The following are my favourite portraits from this session.  If you’d like to see more, please head over to

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