Category: Travel Stories

A Trip To Music City

Can you believe it’s been 4 years since the last time I traveled to see the Oilers play on the road?  Along with my fiancé & parents, a decision was made to take a quick trip down to Nashville to help alleviate the coming end of another season. 

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Peru – The Land of the Incas

Following a rather momentous trip to Chile and Easter Island, I spend the majority of my summer travelling through the beautiful country of Peru, and found myself taking hundreds of photos of my experience! 

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Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island.  Rapa Nui.  Isla de Pascua.  The Navel of the World. Why does such a tiny little speck of an island have so many different names?

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Santiago, Chile

My first trip to South America, and the furthest South I have ever been, Santiago, Chile was an amazing destination filled with many interesting things to do and places to explore.

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